Home / BISAN sure’n safe® Chemical Dosing System

BISAN sure’n safe® Chemical Dosing System

BISAN sure’n safe® Chemical Dosing System

Our sure’n safe® Chemical Dosing Systems are designed for sure chemical delivery and safe operation. With several options and adders, sure’n safe® systems can meet all your chemical dosing needs and requirements.

Check out our brochure here.


sure’n safe® Enclosure

SnS latch and hinge
Latch and hinge
SnS sleeve and drain
Sleeve and drain
SnS stiffener plates, stiffeners, and drain pan
Stiffener plates and stiffener drain

  • Specially designed to enclose chemical dosing systems for safe operation
  • E-Stop push button installed outside of enclosure for safe stop of pumping when a chemical leak is observed
  • Made with fiberglass material with clear acrylic window

Additionally, the enclosure is made of:

  1. Stainless steel quick disconnect latch
  2. Continuous stainless steel door hinge
  3. Hermetically sealed drain
  4. Hermetically sealed sleeve
  5. Pre-drilled and embedded stiffener plates for wall brackets
  6. Structural stiffeners
  7. Deep drain pan


sure’n safe® Chemical Dosing System

sure'n safe system 3D drawing
BISAN offers a modular expandable fabricated chemical feed system that varies between standard wall-mounted units to our fully contained sure’n safe® enclosed systems. The SnS system comes in a variety of equipment control and configuration options to meet client and process requirements. Notably, we’ve designed the Duty and Standby pumps for sure chemical delivery to the injection point.


sure’n safe® Control Panel

Control Panel


  • HMI/PLC based control panel to ensure automatic switchover to standby pump if duty pump fails
  • Safe operation by displaying alarms for tank low level and enclosure leak detection.

Additionally, Duty and Standby capability with the following features:

  • Hand/Off/Auto Selection
  • Duty Pump Selection
  • Alternating Duty Pump, based on/off command or based on timer
  • Pump Alarms
  • Tank Low Level Alarm
  • Leak Detection Alarm
  • 4-20 mA output proportional with chemical usage

sure’n safe® Prisma Pump Features

SLOW MODE: PRISMA pump rated for 1 L/H running at 100 mL/hr

SLOW MODE: PRISMA pump rated for 1 L/H running at 50 mL/hr

Prisma logosure'n safe Prisma Pump

PRISMA stepper motor-driven dosing pump has been designed by EMEC to be the best solution for offering high-accuracy metering and extreme reliability.
Thanks to the stepper motor and to the Multi-Function software, PRISMA dosing pumps offer complete control over dosing speeds and working modes as well as great flexibility, meeting even extremely complex application needs.
PRISMA can be programmed to work according the following working modes: Constant, Constant with external input, ppm, %, mlq, Pause-work, Weekly, mA, Pulse, Volt, external Batch, and manual Batch.

Slow Mode

Extreme versatility of PRISMA dosing pumps is also due to Slow Mode function.
Enabling Slow Mode, it is possible to reduce the suction speed of PRISMA from 100 to 1% of the normal speed, making it easier and more reliable the priming and the dosing even when the system has to work with particularly viscous liquids.
Slow mode

5 Year Warranty

Quality and reliability over time have always been what distinguishes EMEC products and the fundamental prerequisite of our commitment to offering the most innovative systems for water treatment.
Precisely for this reason, EMEC series of controllers, just as all the EMEC dosing pumps, are the only ones worldwide in the sector to be guaranteed for 5 years.
5 Years Warranty
