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Alexandria Water Treatment Plants

Alexandria Water Treatment Plants

Supply, installation supervision and start-up & commissioning for products & equipment in several Water Treatment Plants serving the City of Alexandria.
This is one of the largest upgrade water projects including the upgrade and renovation of 7 Water Treatment plants at different locations in the District of Alexandria. Project involved replacing the existing chlorination systems with a single centralized plant serving each WTP. The equipment were centralized utilizing multi chlorine ton containers, evaporators, and multi chlorinators.

  1. Seven (7) Complete Packaged Chlorination Plants
  2. Fourteen (14) multi pass Chlorination Rooms Monorails Systems
  3. Eleven (11) Emergency Chlorine Scrubbers
  4. Five (5) river water plant inlet Bar Screens and Grabber Mechanisms
  5. Knife Gates & Butterfly Valves
  6. Main Inlet Sluice Gates

Location: Alexandria, Egypt
